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What you get when you cross an atheist with a Jehovah Witness

Kojaksmom 8 Sep 5
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Could have brought Of Origns and Species, Or The God Delusion...


Jehovah Witnesses can taste delicious if you can find a fat one

Rudy1962 Level 9 Sep 5, 2018

I'm going to start doing this!

Umbral Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

I like talking philosophy, religious history (lol it's not all bad)....sadly JW must have blacklisted me in a few states and word must get around bc even LDS in Utah never knock on my door.

I helped deconvert a woman on a dating site who was really struggling w all the judgement, idiocy, shame, family pressure... of Pentecostalism several years ago. I don't believe in karma bullshit, but she's very smart on insurance and accidents and is now helping me with the multi-levels of insurance from my bicycle accident. I'll probably pocket a little more money thanks to that relationship 🙂


I don't know, the Jehovah's don't want to come into the yard and meet my dogs on the way to the door

zorialoki Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

@onlyif That comes after they meet the dogs and actually make it to the door

@onlyif I will remember to bring wound dressing and doggie treats

@onlyif Okay, Ms Sureshot, I have been forewarned.

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