But I'm sorry, there should be a dress code specially for skirts or shorts' length. As well as guys with their baggy pants showing their underwear.
It's a matter of respect, not about sexual object.
I went to school in the days when girls wore dresses or skirts, boys wore pants and all had sensible shoes. The only time shorts were allowed was the last day of school. In the 70's things lightened up where girls could wear pants
See now that's your personal opinion. Personal opinions are subjective and highly variable. There is no rhyme or reason behind them.Personal opinions should not be enforced.
@OpposingOpposum by that logic, so are dress codes. Some bureaucracy decides what can and cannot be worn? It's just the opinion of the people making the rules. There is zero scientific objectivity here.
@Bakunin exactly my point and exaxtly the point being made by this anti dress code movement. It's a waste of time and attention better spent on actual education.
My daughter got caught up in that bullshit when she was in school and she was not dressed badly, but it was seen as offensive by one teacher that wasn't even her teacher.
@zorialoki This is yet another reason why it's probably a good thing I didn't have children. I'd have been fighting with teachers and administrators on a fairly regular basis. Especially when it came to the matter of "dress codes", which I find arbitrary and ridiculous. Although, with my luck, I'd have had kids that refused to break the rules and found me to be a constant source of embarrassment whenever I'd go toe to toe with their school(s).
@Bakunin You just reminded me of something that happened my freshman year of high school.
Long story short, I got busted for leaving campus during lunch. The Vice Principle called my mother at work to tell her of my "infraction", and how I was at risk of suspension.
For all my issues with my mother, the one thing she never wavered on was her defense of her children, when it came to dealing with school officials.
She basically told him that since I was back, of my own volition, hadn't missed any classes (other than the ones HE was keeping me from attending), and was a straight-A student, threatening me with suspension was nothing more than pathetic attempt to show me who was "boss". She also told him she wasn't coming down to the school to meet with him, because that, as well as the call they were currently on, were both a complete waste of her time. Then she hung up on him. The look on his face was priceless, and all he said to me was, "get to class".
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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