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Can this be true. Maybe

RobertMartin 8 Sep 20
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Mary was Immaculately Conceived according to Catholic Dogma... Not Jesus.

Just gonna say that, but ya beat me to it. It was Mary, not Jeebus.

What . . .???? What do you mean? Mary was supposed to have been born to a virgin? What?!!?

What about jeebus?

This story gets wackier and wackier . . .

I've always heard Mary referred to as the Virgin Mary, implying that she was a virgin at the time she gave birth to Jeebus (presumably she had sex for any future children - otherwise, what the hell was Joseph doing with her?!). Although I have heard that she was the one that was supposed to have been born to a virgin.
It's all a little unclear... and, ya know, unbelievable.

@scurry the term Immaculate Conception refers to Pope Pius IX's declaration that Mary's birth was free from original sin. It has nothing to do with Jesus.

@EricTrommater ok - understood, and yet... we (well, not "we" ) refer to her a the Virgin Mary.
Not that it really matters, I suppose it's just one more misunderstanding/mistranslation of a fairytale.

@EricTrommater so Pope declared that Mary was supposed to have been born to a virgin??

And Everyone else (xians) think it was just JC who was born immaculate

But were both immaculate conception? Or either or neither?

Actually I know the answer. It's all pure bullshit, no matter who said what.

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