7 12

Sounds legit.

Heather2367 8 Oct 3
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Not as cool as a pope on a rope. ?

Ktruin Level 5 Oct 4, 2018

I almost said that but stayed quiet! Lol


Perfect! Ill take a case

Livinlife Level 9 Oct 3, 2018

I volunteer to do your back.

@phxbillcee lol, Im sure


rub a dub dub, jebus in the tub

While he's there, can he do that water into wine thing?

@mistymoon77, caution, & I know you know better, but that michael112 is using the exact same wording as a bunch of recent female trolls/spammers have. Just a heads up. I've reported it to the "Trolls..." group!

ATTN: @MichelleGar1, please see above!

Also, ATTN: @Admin!

@phxbillcee is he going to want my money now? LMAO!!!

@phxbillcee, @micheal112 are you ready micheal112? Are you sure you want to play with us? Lol

@MichelleGar1 Why? Do you have any? & he's gone!

@MichelleGar1 Either @GuyKeith, @Admin, or both were damn quick!

@phxbillcee no I don't! Thought he was going to ask! Lol!! I was going to send him some dark stuff! Lol!

@phxbillcee poof he's gone! Lol

@phxbillcee I just got on here tonight and have no clue what this is all about.. who is this michael dude?

@mistymoon77 A troll/spammer that had asked you to "inbox him". He's gone, now.

@phxbillcee wow. I didn't even see that.. but then again, I am on here like others to see these things. So hard to keep up with everything. 😟 but thanks for taking care of it.


Another good xtian home product! (& I'm pretty sure this one is real!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 3, 2018

OMFG I just realized the switch. ?

So wrong...

Accurate for Catholic households! LMAO


Keep that soap on a rope if you're in a Catholic School.

Umbral Level 8 Oct 3, 2018

It even has ridges for your pleasure, making the wash a heavenly experience, preparing you for another day of wicked promiscuity and extreme debauchery.

Mofferatu Level 7 Oct 3, 2018

That is it. I am Ordering a box of those.

Zoohome Level 8 Oct 3, 2018

No better yet, I am going to subscribe. ?

i make free deliveries

@Happyonearth nothing is free. I am sure there will be a price to pay ?

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