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zorialoki 8 Oct 5
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Shame. Lol.

MrChange Level 7 Oct 5, 2018

This idiot attitude goes back to our Puritan past & is one of the main reasons we are so fucked up sexually/socially/emotionally... There is nothing 'wrong' with the human body. It is what it is. Get over it & let's grow up as a species!

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 5, 2018

They're just tits ffs. I like looking at them and playing with them as much as the next... well next person that likes titties, but context people. Context.

Too many people can't fucking use context in their lives.


Umbral Level 8 Oct 5, 2018

WTF is it with men, in general, with this double-standard bullshit?
They're fine with sexualizing us in marketing, because, you know, that's fucking
capitalism at it's finest.
But for any woman to breastfeed in public? That gets treated like she's turning
tricks in the Food Court.

And people wonder why I'm always pissed off? GTFO with that shit.

KKGator Level 9 Oct 5, 2018

Unfortunately it isn't just men, some women are against breast feeding in public as well trying to shuffle them off to breastfeed in the restroom

@zorialoki Yeah, I know. Fuck them, too.
Just once, I'd love to come up on one of those situations, just so
I could tell the assholes exactly what they could do with their "outrage".
I would make them cry. I'd probably get myself arrested, but it would
be worth it.

You havent realized by now most men are idiots. History unfortunately tells us so.?

@MrChange I have. I just hang onto the stupid hope that y'all will self-correct.

@KKGator only we evolved men have. But it's hard for women to differentiate these days.?


Exactly .

Pralina1 Level 9 Oct 5, 2018
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