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Well, it is Sunday...

phxbillcee 10 Oct 14
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People forget that churches are businesses, these are advertising to put butts in the seats. While we may laugh and make fun, they accomplish a goal of community awareness, we all looked at them didn't we?

glennlab Level 10 Oct 14, 2018


That mt pleasant baptist church always put something funny.

Zoohome Level 8 Oct 14, 2018

I don't care if they are photo shopped, they are fucking funny as shit whoever did these. If they are real.. my hat goes off to them. Takes some brass kahunas to pull those off.

Most are real, see my replies to KKGator. They are meant to attract attention and make people do double takes.


Well who would of thought inspirational messages doesn't have dark hilarious underlying

nikkir Level 7 Oct 14, 2018

I'm convinced they know what they're doing with these signs.
They can't be THAT oblivious.

KKGator Level 9 Oct 14, 2018

Well, they're xtians, aren't they?

@phxbillcee I dunno. I think the ones responsible for what goes on the signs might be closet atheists, and deliberately putting these things up.

It is very deliberate, the double meaning is intended to make you look. It is standard marketing and many churches actually have committees that brainstorm to come up with these gems. If someone photographs it, the church name is on the marquee , sometimes with the address and phone number. Marketing 101 and having spent years in church management,

@glennlab You know, I never even look at the name of the church on the sign.
I do believe what you're saying though.

@KKGator You're not their target audience, the signs are for people that are actively seeking a church, but do not have one, or are current members that need a push to show up. The levels of marketing depend on how the church wants to grow and how much work is going to be involved in a new member.

@glennlab I'm sure.


Or your left hand when the right gets tired ...

Umbral Level 8 Oct 14, 2018
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