Hi guys, quick question, can't remember how to spell his whole username; but what happened to "Millsdter" a candadian guy? His profile disappeared, well... I can't find it anymore.
Does anyone know?
That's me.
Spun a cocoon thinking it was butterfly time!
Turns out nope, still ugly duck.
Ah! That is so nice so know you are still here! hehehehe
not trying to be creepy, I didn't know you can change usernames. What was before?
You are fun, clever and interesting posts. I was intrigue by the disappearance. lol
You know, everyone is a stranger, but some kind of grow on you.
I knew it was you because you kept about everything else intact. Not much gets by m...squirrel!
@phxbillcee squirrel!
@Umbral As in...
@phxbillcee squirrel
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