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A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Livinlife 9 Oct 28
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It's been a while but all I remember was thinking when is this crap going to end.... I'm still waiting

paul1967 Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

What a long strange trip its been ?

@Livinlife That's why I don't do drugs anymore. It's fun for a few minutes, but I'm ready to think again as soon as possible. I don't like the numbing that is associated with getting high. Don't get me wrong, I understand the allure of it especially in these times, but just like anything, it's not for everyone. No judgments ever.

@paul1967 I havent done them since the 70s. I was in my teens. Fun then, not so conducive for a productive life. Onward and upward


Tried pot for the first time in August, this week someone asked if I'd do shrooms with them????


The gift that keeps on giving.

Eirteacher Level 7 Oct 28, 2018

For a few hours anyway.

Then maybe a few years later.


Gift problem SOLVED!!!!

KKGator Level 9 Oct 28, 2018

And new sunglasses to hide the dilated pupils.

@phoenixone1 No worries. Kids' birthday parties are always held on a weekend. She'll be fine by the time she goes back to school. 😉

@KKGator Bwahahahaha...your so bad...pure evil.

@phoenixone1 Yeah, but it's why y'all love me!!!! 😀


She seems a bit young, but if that's what she wants...

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 28, 2018

Kids these days

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