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Before anyone has a heart attack, no animals were harmed in making this meme

glennlab 10 Nov 19
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I just hugged my kitty Delilah... Lol

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 19, 2018

I love cats, & have them. But, let's not lose perspective over a meme!

@phxbillcee no worries, i was laughing too

Just don't leave them laying around in my yard. lol

@glennlab not a problem, she won't even go out the door unless I take her in a carrier and then she freaks out.?

@Livinlife Yeah, but "someone" left a big dislike up top, which, tho I like the guy, I find amusing!

@Livinlife All the ones at my house are outside (feral) cats and if they see a carrier or a trap kitty went from a size2 lap warmer to a size 16 not gonna put me in that thing.

@phxbillcee every once in awhile you got to give somebody a break. I don't know who it was, but if they don't make a habit of reacting here that way then just give him his moment.

@Livinlife I'm not going off, by any means, I just find it funny, we are supposed to push the boundaries, "bad taste is encouraged"!

@glennlab ferals are different. My rescue fur baby was born at a hoarders house. She and all the others were sick and probably not going to live, except the shelter stepped in and took them all away. They were made healthy, microchipped, fixed and made ready for adoption. She limps because her front right leg was injured at the hoarders house and not taken care of. She was scrawny, on alert at all times when I got her.. Once I got her home she transformed into a big baby. I could leave the door open all day and she would never go outside.❤❤❤

@phxbillcee absolutely! Sometimes I think we've lost that. I've reminded a few people of it

@Livinlife My old cat that passed away in the spring, was an inside only cat in the winter and an outside cat as soon as the weather got nice. As he got older, nice weather had to be better and better. When he wanted out, you couldn't stop him and he would trip you if you didn't get out of his way when he wanted in.

@glennlab gotta love them!


Kind of amusing when there's more outrage over a cat than a dead hooker!!! LOL! Or, Bar-B-Qued baby!!!

phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 19, 2018

& please, don't respond, just take a form...

@phxbillcee filling out form.... Lol


Lol just awful

Cofe23 Level 5 Nov 19, 2018

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