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LMAO ???

Wendiw 7 Nov 21
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Well, I keep telling everybody if I drive past the cemetery and I see a ghost I might believe in God again, but...

Well, going from ghost to god is a bit of a leap. Many, many intermediate steps in that needed first...

@phxbillcee Please elaborate! What intermediate steps are you referring to? I am not trying to be a smart-ass. It's a legitimate sincere question. For me personally, seeing a ghost would be proof of the supernatural, and proof of the supernatural would, at least to me, be proof of a god. A ghost would indicate that there is some kind of an existence after our physical existence on Earth. So far, bupkis! However, I have seen two different UFOs, so I'm quite certain there is life in other parts of the universe. But a heaven or hell? I seriously doubt it.

@Stilltrying1964 UFO's by the very definition are "Unidentified"! So, your certainty of "alien" life is certain only to you, not anyone else. Also, ghosts,...One: prove they are the spirits of "the dead", first. Doubt it will be easy. Two: then prove, not assume, that it indicates anything like an afterlife described by ANY religion. Three: prove there is any "god" involved in any of this! Again, you stick into your equation "then a miracle occurs", which explains & proves nothing. & you consider yourself a freethinker? I can tell you're no skeptic, & I'm not just throwing shade, you do not have the thought process a skeptic would use to approach any of these claims!

@Stilltrying1964 BTW, none of the above are even close to being complete in trying to prove or falsify either of your conjectures, just off the top of my head observations. Even so, they are still more "complete" than anything you assumed.

@phxbillcee with all due respect, I could punch holes and everything you just said, but I won't waste my time. Have a good night bye

@Stilltrying1964 What an absolute cop-out!

@Stilltrying1964 To emphasize my feelings...

@phxbillcee no it's not a cop out, I'm just not going to waste my time on somebody who doesn't have the balls to put their own picture on the internet. I'm going to block you now so goodbye

@Stilltrying1964 FYI, I'm a Mod here, if you block me you get blocked from the group, something to think about...

@Stilltrying1964 Also, I have a number of photos on my profile page, this is an avatar, if you have a clue what that is...

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