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Kojaksmom 8 Nov 26
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Amazing, one more case of woman demeaning woman and everyone is ok with it?

IamNobody Level 8 Nov 27, 2018

@Captnron59 once or twice may be cute. Trashing several women ( not just Sarah and Kellyanne ) day in day out is not. Sarah is a tough smart cookie and the only thing left to attack her is her looks when we hear all kinds of disapproval on shaming. The hypocrisy on this posting is just mind boggling to me.

@Captnron59 no need to take this further than needed, the meme post a way of thinking and I have expressed mine.

@IamNobody, @Captnron59 This group tends to be prone to mocking tRump & his gang, I'll admit it. But, you are free to disapprove, comment or pass them by. I personally think you're over-reacting to a meme, tho I won't say mock outrage just because I think you'd find it amusing if it was Hillary & Sen. Warren, but, maybe not. This is by no means violating the Site's or the Group's guidelines, but you are free to disagree. &, as was said, you are free to pass by any meme you don't like. Some I will call out, but they have to be a lot more egregious than this one is!

It was not meant to be offensive to all women, just these women. You also have to remember the late Phyllis schafly, who I always thought was a c***, said she was just another Soldier in the late Jesse Helms Army. When it came to voting for a woman president she said "over her dead body" talk about bad taste, immediately after she died, right before the election, I wrote that quote with a picture of Hillary Clinton smiling.

@phxbillcee Almost fair enough. If you find any posting from me trashing Hillary or Elizabeth then you will have the right to call me out. Until then please don't put words on my mouth. My only and only comment is the double standard with so much fuzz going on with feminism, metoo and whatnot, to let this one slide only because this woman don't align with whatever? I think the intent of those movements (if it is genuine) then it should apply for all women. That's my logic.

@Kojaksmom My comment is not personal against you. It cannot be, I don't know you and you don't know me. My comment goes for the reaction this type of messages create going forward in general. I still dislake the meme but I have nothing against you personally.

@IamNobody I guess the point is is that I don't support all women. I don't support men who are anti women so why would I support a woman whose anti-woman?

@Kojaksmom Hoping I can keep the conversation going.... How are Sarah and Kellyanne anti-woman?

@IamNobody they are a part of an Administration that does not believe that women are humans who deserve a right to reproductive freedom and respect. Donald Trump bought his wife from a foreign country because American women are shit to him. This Administration does not support or even recognize the special needs that women have. Women have struggled for a really long time to simply try to carve out a life for ourselves without discrimination and with equal opportunity. Schlafly was successful in politics because she was on the anti female side. She believes that women should stay at home and be Housewives and have babies. She believed the feminine point of view was pointless an inherently of less value than a man's. She was the perfect Conservative Republican. Donald Trump has employed zero women to be a part of his administration. However all decent people have left his administration because he is just indefensible

These two are indefensible, just ask kellyanne's husband.


Truly horrifying!

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 27, 2018

Those damned trees again with a horror show to match

glennlab Level 10 Nov 27, 2018

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