I remember the 5.25" floppys.
I remember 8 inches.
@dartagnan6666 There was such a thing?
A musician I know of related how his son excitedly came up showing him a vinyl record and said “Dad! These have music on BOTH sides!”
I collect vinyl's. Only way to listen to good music. Unless live, or you happen to have the master tape.
I haven’t listened to vinyl in years. I’ve been told that the digital recording format misses some of the music, and that a conversion process is used to attempt to restore the analog quality. Honestly though, I’m not sure I have the ear or high fidelity gear to notice a difference.
Is it that discernible to you?
@Haemish1 Very much so actually. When you play live, you are in analog. When you play at a studio it's analog. Going from the master tape to vinyl is still that. When you go from analog to digital you loose quality. Then it has to be converted into analog again. It's weird. You need a true phono out to get the full effect. For me I do hear the difference. If you have a 12" 33 1/3 you will usually hear a difference. If you have a 12" 45 RPM that is about as close as you can get to the master tape. Here's a good example. Make an audio clip. Then make a copy in another format. You can tell the difference.
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