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Where was this when I was in school?

EricTrommater 9 Feb 12
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I had an uncle that really loved snakes. He made money for college by milking snakes for their venom and got bitten a couple of times. He had a pet snake and would go to the pet store and get a white mouse. He would put it in the box with the snake and watch what happened. His wife hated this and made him get rid of the snake. We went for a walk in the woods and he found a hole to put the snake which became frightened and clamped it's fangs on his arm. He gently pried the snake off and talked to it soothingly as he deposited it in the hole.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 12, 2018

So funny. Poor choice of words. 😀

Betty Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

Punctuation DOES matter!!!! LOL

KKGator Level 9 Feb 12, 2018


Hominid Level 7 Feb 12, 2018


Stupid/silly question I know, but how many LMAO's does it take to really LYA?

@JackPedigo I don't know but my ass could lose a few pounds.

@JackPedigo huh? what is LYA?

@silverotter11 I knew you would ask that (since I made it up) L is lose, Y - your and we all know what A is. (again silly spur of the second joke from one smart ass to another). The guy above you got it.

@JackPedigo I am not good with acronyms - fyi in my world means . . . . guess? lol

@silverotter11 FYI - Funny You ? That's okay don't tell me just let me wallow in my prudishness.

@JackPedigo No I don't want anyone to wallow on MY account but if you are prudish you might not like the answer. FYI - fuck you idiot, but the is not why I got fired. LOL

@silverotter11 For a while there I thought it meant For Your Information. When I first signed up with the site I asked a question on this. My take might not be what you think. I feel the F word is misplaced which causes a loss in it's prurient value. I will be blunt in that I feel it is a word with sexual connotations and that is the best place for it's use.
But now I am enlightened 😟

@JackPedigo See I have never thought of the F word in a sexual connotation. Seriously and yes it is suppose to mean for your information. It was at the only job I ever got fired from that I had asked my supervisor what FYI meant. She was always using it, I simply did not 'get' it so I asked. Having asked, lowered her estimation of me even further. What a nightmare of a boss. She is the reason I do not trust most women in supervisory positions. It really is a long story BUT in the end I was vindicated and I ended better for getting out of the toxic environment with a weekly employment security check.

@silverotter11 😉 I asked a question early on "How do you feel about obscene language??". . Despite my comment I am not prudish but, as I said, my view is a little different. In my last relationship we found that sensuality is heightened by the use of as many of the senses as possible and sound and words are definitely a part of this. These are my feelings and I won't push them on anyone else, just simply state how I feel.

Thanks for sharing. I too had a boss like that. She had no qualifications but the managing partner hired her as human resources manager because she was the wife of his minister and with the kids being grown and gone she wanted something to do. I, being an atheist + my job gave her an incentive to harass me. But I got her because it forced me to retire early which made all the difference in where I am today.

@JackPedigo This has been an excellent chat. I know we've messaged b4. Sensuality is something that can be very subtle or in your face.

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