11 16

@phxbillcee - He's still alive!

Just not well and away from keyboard.

Also he had a visit from the police today thanks to yours truly!
Yup that's what happens when you are unreachable via phone or Internet for a few days... I bet he got his cardio for the day though! 😉


RavenCT 9 Dec 5
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Yeah most times people are AFK for a while. Had a few people worry about me over the years. Sometimes you are sick, some times your net goes down, other times you just feel like posting for a while.


If I give you my contact information can you request a hot cop? Just wondering

Livinlife Level 9 Dec 5, 2018

And get a reputation with the police?

Couldn't we just start a GoFundMe for a stripogram instead? Way easier - trust me. 😉

@RavenCT whatever works, I'm not ungrateful lol


Good to know that he's okay and just under the weather! Hope he gets better soon!


You're a good friend, hope he gets better soon.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 5, 2018

Woohoo! Glad he's OK. I missed him


Good job.. I was gonna put out an APB on his ass if I didn't hear back from someone or him by the end of the week.


That's good! Hope he's not too ill.

No no - just hurting. Away from Keyboard. Should have said that. 😉


Hide the stash, quick.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 5, 2018

Yay! So glad you checked! The police don't mind and it's always better safe than sorry. ?

SukiSue Level 8 Dec 5, 2018

A good friend. Nice.


Thank you!!!!
I am very much relieved.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 5, 2018

Me too.

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