German is not a pretty language (except when it is sung) but the speaker was really overdoing it.
This is a big issue with the Catholic church. People hated it when the mass was said in the vernacular. They wanted to go back to Latin where no one knew what was being said which gave an air of magic about it. A breakaway church was created where Latin was kept as the language.
Have sung in Latin multiple times. It's gorgeous. But I'd hate to have to sit through a Mass I couldn't comprehend at all.
It was a way to keep the rich separate from the poor originally as the poor did not have Latin as a language. At least in the Roman Catholic Church.
@RavenCT Rich and poor alike prefer mystery to truth. I went to several operas and enjoy some. In Seattle there is an interpretation board over the stage. Seeing the words (Der Rosenkavalier was one) makes the vocabulary look really stupid.
@JackPedigo I've heard more places that put on opera are doing that. It's got to be better than guessing at what is occurring on the stage when you don't know the language.
Makes me think of going to a Mass at the Polish Catholic Church on some feast day and hearing the entire thing in a language I could not comprehend at all. And it was 7 am.
I had to watch other people to participate in the "Catholic Calisthenics".
I'm so glad I'm an Atheist!
I love foreign languages...especially in music!
Sometimes when the radio music is annoying, I listen to talkback in foreign languages
Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.
Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsNot really sure about the car light legend.
Posted by backtobasicsNot really sure about the car light legend.
Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.
Posted by backtobasicsThe same people that used to put the word colored on water fountains and bathrooms are now putting biological on bathrooms.
Posted by backtobasicsWords to live by