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Two geniuses here

RobertMartin 8 Dec 6
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I think she's the bomb. Doesn't take corporate money

Rudy1962 Level 9 Dec 6, 2018

I do hope she continues with her firebrand attitude. I am Canadian and I approve of this congresswoman ?

@Science-guy oh Canada. The land of Universal Healthcare and badass walleye and pike fishing. I used to go there frequently.

Yet. I hope she never does, but the longer people are in DC, the more corrupted they become. She still believes she has a soul, and even though I don't believe in such things, I hope she doesn't lose hers.

@KKGator I believe that is what seperates Bernie from almost all career politicians, he never lost his vision

@Rudy1962 I want to support Bernie, I really do. I just don't see it happening.

@KKGator I don't know what to say to that....He hasn't even decided if he's running in 2020

@Rudy1962 That's cool. I think he actually can get more done as a Senator.


Why make up a fake meme, when she says enough dumb things for real?

Boxdoc Level 7 Dec 6, 2018

I like her honesty. She may not speak as well as some of the entrenched old men but she will definitely upset The old boys club

She doesn't say more "dumb stuff" than 45 does.


What's your point here Bob? Working for the Russians or trump or both?

Anonbene Level 8 Dec 6, 2018

Just trying to make folks laugh.


Really? At least if you post a meme on current people you “might” take some effort to ensure they are accurate...



Yeah, it really takes a genius to make up a couple of fake memes.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 6, 2018

Tell that to the person who actually made this.

@RobertMartin That was to whom I was referring.

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