7 2

"Texas Man" Just beat "Florida Man" by a landslide: Also if your butt doesn't clench reading this headline - you're stronger than I am.

NOTE - I've been told this is a fake news site much like the Onion - peruse the other headlines.... when you get to the transplant you'll get it.... I'm so sad that the X-Files haven't been solved though? Damn....


RavenCT 9 Dec 10
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World News Daily Report is a satirical fake news website, purportedly describing itself as a American Jewish Zionist newspaper based in Tel Aviv and dedicated on covering biblical archeology news and other mysteries around the Globe. Wikipedia

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 10, 2018

Yes but it is wonderful! The transplant story was great...

@RavenCT & on a related note...

@phxbillcee Hey people DO that. Sort of.... Rule #34...

You know this would be an excellent source of alt news for the rest of us who can't tolerate a lot of real news? rofl


Lol! You know this is satire, right?

I do now! After the second headline about the transplant.... and you know... the three people who pointed it out to me....

My hopes were up.... momentarily. Humans being weird I can accept. Aliens with butt fetishes? I have trouble digesting.


ONN > Fox.


Very disturbing.


All the late night listeners of Coast to Coast am are going to be sorely disappointed to read this one. ?

Anonbene Level 8 Dec 10, 2018

The next story in line is bizarre too.


Anonbene Level 8 Dec 10, 2018

"From a living donor" wtf?

Sorry! Turns out it's literally a fake news site? I have to lurk this site now!

Shh! You're not supposed to tell them. ?

@Anonbene I had a friend once - we told her "They took gullible out of the dictionary" and she went to pick it up and look it up.
I later found out about the Brain injury she had suffered. It made me feel so bad?
But I still tell that story!

If I'm found to be gullible I deserve to be outed!

We all fall for something sometime. Heck it's good to laugh at our own expense sometimes but if you can't laugh at yourself life is going to be one long suck fest.

@Anonbene Oh I do regularly. If I didn't have a sense of humor I'd be long gone. 😉


He does kind of look like an aged ET....

Rudy1962 Level 9 Dec 10, 2018
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