2 10

Preach!!!! I hate this question!

janniegirl 6 Dec 30
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Actually I spend more time watching you lectures.

Mokvon Level 8 Dec 31, 2018

Or, we can start telling them to fuck off and mind their own business.
Bunch of busy-bodies.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

“I’m a couch potato “ never impressed men. They want kayakers and moutain climbers ?

@janniegirl No, they really don't. They just say that to make themselves sound way more impressive than they really are.

@janniegirl You're looking at the wrong profiles lol. Couch potato is a fine woman.

@glennlab thanks!im a fine potato!

@KKGator I can't keep up with a kayaker or mountain climber

@janniegirl, @KKGator & @glennlab are correct, especially us "mature" men. Cuddling on the couch is fine in my book!

@glennlab Even if I could, I wouldn't. Wastin' all that time doing stuff outside when there are plenty of perfectly strenuous indoor activities
to be engaged in.

@janniegirl I'm good with the couch potato thing. I try to stay active, I'm not a mountain climber or skier or anything like that.

@janniegirl I have absolutely no interest in women who go kayaking and mountain climbing. I prefer women who are a little more 'normal.'

I love u guys !!! Like walking on my own f feet is not hard enough u know ! I have no desire to be Spider-Man or superman , I love my chair , my blanket , my dogs and my peace ! Kayaking my ass , like been on a gear and in the water makes people " exciting "???

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