Somewhat obscure, yet timely. Wryly amusing. I give it an eight out of ten gigavolts!
I don't get this that about AC and DC or the FBI stealing all of Tesla's notes when he was still alive ?
LOL; na, two different people who developed technology. Edison's publicity campaign for DC electricity is a huge blight on his life, and shows things about his personality. To succeed in business forces people to do business with others. Such experiences will change a person, and, it seems, usually for the worse.
I don't understand car humor....
It's actually about electricity. Tesla worked for Edison at one point. Some claim Edison stole some of Tesla's ideas.
@MojoDave ah... Thanks ...
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.