5 7

Tuity fuckin fruity.. lol

mistymoon77 9 Feb 19
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Silence is golden but duck tape is silver.

not anymore.... you can get every flavor of the rainbow..


Nobody here ever watch the RedGreen Show PBS from Vancouver Canada "the handyman secret weapon" duct tape seals more than warm and cool air vent pipes. .....seals the deal on Rube Goldberg humorous sight gag inventions complex machinery to accomplish nothing or a single tiny task like swat a fly

There are whole internet sites & channels on the many uses of duct tape. I know it helped me keep a few of my cars together! (& suitcases, latches, doors,...) Don't use it on anything outside in the Phoenix area, tho. The stickum tends to turn to liquid!


This reminds me of the "Scratch and Sniff" Peppermint Schnaps Bottle my friend bought near XMas.

I have to say the scent of that tempted me.

Trying to think of a non-creepy use for Duct Tape that smells pretty?

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 19, 2018

Such a courteous kidnapper!


That's just...odd...

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 19, 2018

totally agree, that is why I stuck on here.. like who would really want scented duct tape and to use for what exactly unless you are tying someone up for fun.. S&M comes to mind.. 🙂

@mistymoon77 coming from you, that doesn't surprise me!!! LOL

@mistymoon77 Leather scented? rofl

@phxbillcee ahh you would love it and you know it.. just admit it.. scented with Victoria secrets.

@mistymoon77 Not wild about Secret, I would rather if Victoria just smelled of herself!

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