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Rub a dub dub...

mistymoon77 9 Feb 20
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Livinlife Level 9 Feb 21, 2018

Not sure I get the you personally know these gentleman and can confirm one is named Jesus? Because having lived in Mexico and frequenting it regularly, I've not come across the body art they are displaying (and I know plenty of tattoo artists out there), nor was I aware that 'taking baths together was a thing'. From the looks of their education and socioeconomic level, they probably don't even have access to a bath tub. Maybe a better reference would include 'homie' or 'somewhere in LA...' Enough said.

Nena Level 6 Feb 21, 2018

Its called a sense of humor, you should get one.. just sayin... 🙂

@mistymoon77 "Just sayin...I strongly believe in the first amendment, hence why I did not ask the meme to be removed. If you have been following my posts, I believe I've established that I have a sense of humor. My confusion comes in the form of this...

I joined this community to share views with like mined people. We have enough discrimination against us for being non-believers...I didn't expect a fellow community member to take it so personal.. Just as you exercised your first amendment right to post a meme that reflects your views, I felt it necessary to add "ME piece" to that meme. While we joke about being non-believers, we sometimes forget about the humanist side of things. With that said...I've come across a few posts, that in my opinion, are close to crossing the fine line of forgetting to be a humanist. My intention was not to provoke you...but simply to state the point that sometimes it's easy to overlook the fine line of coming across as a racist or judgmental individual. With that said...I am not judging you.. I respect your right to post your'reply' or comeback. My point is this...If we are attempting to unite as 'one people', then let us be open to all critique. Your 'just saying' ending note,by me, was interrupted as harsh and sarcastic. (I may be wrong. And I will always own up to my wrongs.) I can tolerate both, as I have thick skin. (I have many a story of having a story of being s survivalist. However, I believe in leading by example, and thus....I laugh at the meme that you posted and look forward to getting acquainted with your sense of of humor...and hope you will come to comprehend mine. @mistymoon77 No disrespect...we should be on the same team...the team of Humanity! "If you cut me,do I not bleed"...the merchant of Venice...(Shakespeare)



Duke Level 8 Feb 20, 2018

Perfect for Taco Tuesday!

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