9 10

Really?? The meme with the lady shooting pool was deleted? SMDH

Rudy1962 9 Jan 26
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I hate when I am away from home for a few days and come back to a shit storm.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 28, 2019

You don’t want to visit Senate then.

@CaroleKay I saw that and just kept scrolling,


And my thought on this entire subject are...



Some people just get butthurt I guess?

"butthurt" is one more good word I learned on here 🙂 Great concept.


I didn't see it, so it doesn't it! This is getting absurd & I am going to explode over this crap! I've been Blocked from the "Trolls..." Group for defending one Post already, & I will re-iterate, if I find that any member of this so-called "Review Team" is in this Group, they will be Blocked! I will not tolerate anonymous, self-righteous snitches in a "Bad Taste" Group! I am tired of the censorship, I'm tired of the heavy-handedness & I'm tired of the air of "it's for your own good" attitude that reminds me a LOT of Religion!
There is never an explanation, there is never a reason & some are using it as an excuse to Boot people from the Site! & they are NOT happy that I won't tolerate it! Bunch of self-appointed Guardians of Morality!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 27, 2019

It was Tom's post. Tnorman. Description of it is below

@Rudy1962 I caught that later, he should re-post! Maybe I can ferret out another snitch to get rid of!

@Rudy1962 I usually think his posts are hillarious and smart. Didnt see this one, but Im sure it was funny.


The site has been deleting a lot of posts lately. A lot. They tell me they have a review team but will not disclose who is on the review team. Posts do not necessarily have to be flagged to be removed. The site has their priorities screwed up.

CaroleKay Level 8 Jan 26, 2019

Control freaks.

@CaroleKay, @DaphneDarling It's getting worse & worse. & the "Guardians" are so self-righteous & self-congratulatory about it that it is just sad. I'm waiting for the forced Loyalty Oaths! In many ways the Niemoller quote is very apt...

I am sure they cannot afford expensive filters (They cost Millions) so either they are crapy ones or they are relying on members flagging them and they auto remove them. I have seen some members get offended at some pretty vanilla stuff so I am going with that option.


How many times have I had to remind someone of the slogan for this group. In regards to my own posts. Bad taste encouraged but not mandatory

Livinlife Level 9 Jan 26, 2019

what is the deal about this meme? Why was it deleted?


I'm not familiar with the meme you are referring to. Why do you think it is being deleted?

joeymf86 Level 8 Jan 26, 2019

I have been looking for it myself! Trying to see what and if anything was wrong with it

@MichelleGar1 Tom posted it. The lady is playing pool and her dress is lifted up..and the guys are facing away from her watching TV. The caption is about what is wrong with them

@Rudy1962 When I first signed up here at level zero, it was common for my post/memes to get deleted. I never got a reason for it and never found out who was responsible.

After I reached level three, the random deletions stopped.

@MichelleGar1, @Rudy1962 This is getting ridiculous in the worst way! I admit I didn't see it, but from the description, there seems no reason to remove it!

@phxbillcee While I agree with you, the suggestion was all the guys OUGHT to turn around and stare at her butt in the air like they just don't care. Since they weren't objectifying women, like they ought to . . .

Ergo my crude theory, must have been a pig fucker that banned it. We know what that leads to:

@WonderWartHog99 Her skirt was lifted!? My GOD! That sounds utterly DEPRAVED! What kind of SICKO would post something like that!? Jeezuz... some people are too sensitive.


Again! Oh jeez! WTF!!!!

I am getting very, very angry over this crap. It is now bordering on harrassment & outright censorship. We have our own Thought & Morality Police!

@phxbillcee So true Bill! You know that I am on the same page as you! This is getting out of hand! Like I have told you before this is where we feel like we can truly express our sense of humor without any bounds but unfortunately people think that we need bounds! I don't even know where to start this argument at but this is just bullshit! I am shaking my head at all of this! I'm on vacation and just got back from a metal show! WTF!!!!

@MichelleGar1 Yeah, I wish there was a way you didn't have to step into all this, but this is NOT what I wanted to happen! If we can be left alone & not dictated to by the small-minded we will do just fine!

@phxbillcee I totally agree with you! I want this bullshit to just stop!

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