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Grammar, Bitches!

Heather2367 8 Feb 20
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Wholly fuck'd.


Pointless repeated use of the word "fucking."

"Fucking aaaa" -- the Fonz

@Closeted One of my favorite phrases is incomplete " . . . and the horse you rode in on."

Welcome to the perverts of the My Little Pony crowd. BTW, I was shocked to find there's futura porno cartoons of My Little Pony. There's no end for the twisted and rule 34. Upload one of those pictures to CutieBeauty's Classic Sexy Pictures group and see how fast you get kicked out of the group.

Tell her I sent you.


good one... fucking point on.


I have to force myself past this one. I want to correct a few things.


Your fucking right! LOL


Must be and english teacher

Mokvon Level 8 Feb 20, 2019


@EyesThatSmile English major here (BA, class of '03). Mokvon should have written "It must be an English teacher." He forgot to use a period at the end of a sentence.

People on line use awful grammar but I'm happy if they're coherent, even if they got hooked on phonics. I'd have to be a point whore to correct everyone's grammar and spelling. The people like CutieBeauty and Trump who get their thrills from using up to a dozen dots after every sentence fragment make my nose flare.

Where did that dot, dot, dot, dot dot, dot, dot, dot crap come from? When I see it, I know I'd dealing with an ignorant turd.

@WonderWartHog99 & stop Trolling another Member or find another Group, asshole!

@WonderWartHog99 Diagram that fucking sentence!

@WonderWartHog99 you funny


You fucking are fucking right!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 20, 2019

Excessive repetitive vulgarities mean they don't know enough adverbs and adjectives as well as being in dire need of creativity.

@WonderWartHog99 Fuck you! Hard, fast, rough & without lube! Want any more descriptors?


Time for cocoa, Heather.

brentan Level 8 Feb 20, 2019
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