I fail to understand why three Asians in suits could be considered racist.
It is not their native culture
@Boxdoc For men, the business suit is part of the global business culture. One does not see the Dali Lama with a brief case in hand, prepared to cut deals.
All I can figure out is they are Asian. There is no uniform native wear for all Asians. Native wear is generally avoided. Therefore when I visit Cherokee, NC, I don't see them in topless with moccasins on their feet and wearing a turbans. (They never were into feathers). What I see most of them wearing is cotton dress shirts, blue jeans and sneakers.
Why is the second photo racist?
I consider that both characters in the first are acting to the best of their ability (which is not very good) - it is the context in which it is being done that makes it racist IMO.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.