6 12

OK ladies. Here's a keeper 😉

Rudy1962 9 Feb 24
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Yikes...thanks, but no thanks.


Ummmm..... ?

VIKingsCFH Level 7 Feb 24, 2019

I bet he stirs up a lot of interest from that profile!


He doesn't really know about OUR ladies, does he? Hahahahaha!

MojoDave Level 9 Feb 24, 2019

He prays for never meeting them. Our ladies will destroy this man. He might actually question god for their existence and not protecting his sorry unflaky ass.

@Zoohome Our ladies will destroy this man.

As if we owned "our ladies." If we do, what's the going rate? I'd settle on a single discounted 30 year old woman. The +50 crowd will have to bid on me. How about trade ins? SO many questions.

I think it's highly unlikely a fundamentalist would seek a wife or girl friend on an atheist site. When the clueless fundamentalist shows up on an atheist/agnostic site, their ass is roasted by the mob until they never come back BEFORE they start looking for subservient women.


He better be independently wealthy with heart problems.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 24, 2019

One foot in the grave and one on a banana peel?

@Rudy1962 that's it!


Haha you're single which means you really don't make ALL the decisions... Lol

Great point!

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