2 21

no words . If u believe and support gods , I don't need your words either .

Pralina1 9 Feb 25
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I know the point of this meme. But fuck! Sorry for all women.

Mokvon Level 8 Feb 25, 2019

The point of this meme is about child molestation and child rape and the ways the Catholic Church continues to not deal with it . However they pray a lot and encourage the victims to do so as well .

@Pralina1 I understand all the implications. But I just wanted to express my sorrow.

@Mokvon boys and girls , boys worse than girls ?


One of my favorite sayings is "I slept like god during the holocaust."

glennlab Level 10 Feb 25, 2019

Savage. Love it.

@stinkeye_a feel free to use it, you live in one of the 3 coldest places I ever visted In order Fairbanks, Spokane, Billings.

@glennlab it's [checks] -5° (-25° wind chill) with 3" of snow on the ground and at least 5" more due by morning. High of 19° this week; snow every day. Moving here (18 years ago) was not my plan. But I grew up in northern MN--on the shore of Lake Superior--so it's actually a lot less snow than what I'm used to.

@stinkeye_a The coldest I saw it in Billings was -30, they weren't posting the windchill on the bank thermometer. I had to stop for the night, it was too cold in the car to drive.

@glennlab just days before Christmas it was 50° and dry; I was biking trails with the puppy, loving life. Not long after we got something like 18" over 3 or 4 days and a brutal sub zero cold snap that lasted 2 weeks; later it was back into the 40s and everything melted. Now it's below zero again. This is mental--ive never seen it like this, anywhere.

@stinkeye_a On that trip I had left Spokane and it was in the 20s, A polar front dropped into Montana, Once I got to Casper, it was back in the 20s, weird enough that i still remember it over 40 years.

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