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phxbillcee 10 Feb 26
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I know this woman. 😛 She Is an American student who is about to inherit a gold mine in Nigeria! She told me if I could sent $200£, American to her lawyer in Nigeria she would split the profits with me. Sadly I declined....biggest mistake of my life.

Is Trixie starting that prank again? I told her it could be misunderstood but she's just so irrepressible! Bad Trixie!


Phxbillcee, I think that this be better in sexy classic pics group. It's still a good meme.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

Why should they get all the fun?

@phxbillcee @freedom41
out of curiosity - what makes a meme a meme?
should there not be some sort of words or emoji or something??
isn't this technically just a picture?
I'm not complaining, just asking.

@scurry Eric is somewhat of a "Fundamentalist" on this. I personally think many things can be considered memes, per Dawkins/Dennett. Art/photos, videos, songs, poems (whether whole or snippets), fashion, ideas, quotes, etc., etc. Whatever passes some type of information from person to person & especially if it then gets passed in turn. Sort of "self-replication". A strict "internet meme" would be a photo with a caption, but that would leave out cartoons, multi-paneled or not, music videos, movie clips & so on. Not such a cut & dried line now, is it?

@scurry Also, one of the reasons I label these "Intermissions" is that they are a break between my meme Posts. A palate cleanser, so to speak!

@phxbillcee I like lines - they give me a clear border so that I can colour outside of them.
So ya - broad definition from your point of view, and it's certainly open to many interpretations. I'm all good with that. I just like to know the rules before I break 'em. 😀 😀
Thank you and Carry On.

@phxbillcee Ah - like GInger at Sushi ... Very Appropriate given your penchant for Redheads. 😉

@scurry I am partial, but not at all exclusive. Hell, at this point I'm even thinking of giving up "breathing" as a requirement!

@phxbillcee The important thing is that you set your standards and stick to them... no matter how low. 😉

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