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Duke 8 Feb 27
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Well I'd call it a boulder, but potato, pahtahto.


That's not a rock, it's a stone! Lol

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 27, 2018

No, it’s a rock!

@balou maybe a boulder!

Maybe a stoned rock? I mean it looks pretty "inert"!!!


That's one ugly rock! Couldn't you find a pretty one?

ballou Level 8 Feb 27, 2018

Why does it always have to be about appearances? What about the rocks intellect? Its hopes and dreams? So shallow....😉

Rock wasn't meant to be pretty! If you doubt me just take a look at the Stones!

@phxbillcee you mean the Rolling Bones? lol


Next, I need a "Here is a roll"!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 27, 2018

Here you go.


Where did you get a photo of my attempts at baking?



No, no, no! It's a stone, damnit! What the hell is wrong with you people??!!

KKGator Level 9 Feb 27, 2018

What are you talking about that's an igneous rock if I ever saw one!

I agree, its a stone! the stone believers will kill any nonbelievers. oh, we also need 10% of your income.

@BeeHappy Get thee to an ophthalmologist!!!

@KKGator & @tscrib101 where did you get your geological information, huh??!!

@BeeHappy Same place as everyone else. From the interwebz. Google said it's a stone, and Google doesn't lie.

That's not an argument!

@BeeHappy An ancient book from our profit, G. Ologist. he foretold of the stone, and to not question his teachings. Even though the book has been translated at least 6 times, Kings have rewritten it to suit their needs, i still believe it and none of your heathen talk will change that!

Well, dammit! I can't argue with that!

@BeeHappy I love you people!!!! LOL

@KKGator all hail our lord and savior, Google. Googles never steered me wrong! except that blue waffle incident.... cries in the corner

@EricTrommater, did not! 🙂

@BeeHappy you did!


It's hard to determine the dimensions...could it be a boulder?

BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 27, 2018

It's a magnafied pebble!

If you have trouble determining dimensions, I know a couple of guys who'd really like you.....

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