7 15

...and night.

EricTrommater 9 Mar 2
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I'm looking forward to it bringing Spring!

Livinlife Level 9 Mar 3, 2019

Spin me round and round...


cheese fest, who has whine


It moves me.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Mar 2, 2019

Didn't @BeeHappy post this yesterday?


Yes, in Academic but no worries. Duplicates happen everyday all over the site.

@EricTrommater ru in denial?

@FrayedBear With 970 plus members I cannot be expected to read every post in this group, not to mention on this website. Reposts happen, this group doesn't have a problem with it. Calling people out for them is considered bad form.
We Don't Do That Here!

@EricTrommater Who said that I was calling you out rather than advising you and all other visitors if interested that there is an another thread using this photo complete with other viewpoints and interests being freely shared without getting your ego in a knot.

@FrayedBear you seem to have stumbled into the wrong group. We don't do viewpoints and interests. We shitpost fart and piss jokes.

@EricTrommater Haven't you realised yet that I'm also trying to extend myself by taking the seeming impossible task of making a silk purse from a pig's ear or in anatomical term that you may comprehend "shitty ass"? ?


@EricTrommater you are repeating yourself Eric. However do I conclude from this exposé of your rules there is a further rule to memes which is that only selfish narcissistic thieving and in Professor Cipolla's definition "those who are stupid" are compliant in your group rules?

@FrayedBear "Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it." - E. B. White
Who is the more stupid? To me, there is nothing more stupid than analysing a joke.
I formed this group as a counter to the humorless group of Normies who I saw in the main posts on this website. Our avatar has stated that Normies were not allowed here for over a year.
If a Normie accidentally wanders in here and wants to begin dissecting our memes, they should realize they are in OUR house.
There are hundreds of places on this website for humorless Normies to congregate. This is not one of them. We built this house to get away from that kind of thing. Those who came to violate this house shall, in the words of that great 3,000 year old work of fiction, inherit the wind. Be gone Normie or I shall taunt you a second time 😛

@EricTrommater More than 100 years ago John McLean gave a speech standing in the dock in a Glasgow Court having been charged with sedition. Here is part of that speech as reproduced in Wikipedia it should give much cause for laughter:
"The main parts of my speech, in which my themes are developed are omitted. I want to expose the trickery of the British government and their police and their lawyers."[19]

This speech from the dock has passed into folklore for the Scottish left. Lasting for some 75 minutes, Maclean's speech began :
Maclean delivering his famous 'Speech from the Dock'.

It has been said that they cannot fathom my motive. For the full period of my active life I have been a teacher of economics to the working classes, and my contention has always been that capitalism is rotten to its foundations, and must give place to a new society. I had a lecture, the principal heading of which was "Thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not kill", and I pointed out that as a consequence of the robbery that goes on in all civilised countries today, our respective countries have had to keep armies, and that inevitably our armies must clash together. On that and on other grounds, I consider capitalism the most infamous, bloody and evil system that mankind has ever witnessed. My language is regarded as extravagant language, but the events of the past four years have proved my contention.

He went on to say:

I wish no harm to any human being, but I, as one man, am going to exercise my freedom of speech. No human being on the face of the earth, no government is going to take from me my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to do everything that is for the benefit of mankind. I am not here, then, as the accused; I am here as the accuser of capitalism dripping with blood from head to foot.

His speech concluded:

I have taken up unconstitutional action at this time because of the abnormal circumstances and because precedent has been given by the British government. I am a socialist, and have been fighting and will fight for an absolute reconstruction of society for the benefit of all. I am proud of my conduct. I have squared my conduct with my intellect, and if everyone had done so this war would not have taken place. I act square and clean for my principles. .... No matter what your accusations against me may be, no matter what reservations you keep at the back of your head, my appeal is to the working class. I appeal exclusively to them because they and they only can bring about the time when the whole world will be in one brotherhood, on a sound economic foundation. That, and that alone, can be the means of bringing about a re-organisation of society. That can only be obtained when the people of the world get the world, and retain the world."

100 years on and you obviously have to still grasp for it.

@FrayedBear the fact that you brought The Scottish Workers Republican Party into a dispute over shitposts, in a shitposts group with an avatar clearly stating No Normies, would have poor John McLean turning in his grave.
You are not a shitposter. You, obviously, have no appreciation for the art of shitposting. Why are you here other than to express your moral and intellectual superiority to shitposters?
On second thought, don't answer that. I'd hate to have you drag some other, poor, dead historical figure into the fray. You made your point. You think you are better than we are. Awesome. Leave!

@EricTrommater I once encountered believe like yours during a works training course run by an industrial psychologist. When a fellow attendee made an observation of his belief that I was alien the psychologist was horrified stating that the accusation was unbefitting his education and professional status.
Subsequently the psychologist probably agreed with my accuser when I, in annoyance because his test to identify who complied with his orders was not complied with by me. I had greater need to catch a plane to return to be with my relatively new bride and not dance to his absurdity.


A groaner!

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 2, 2019


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