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Electro68 7 Mar 13
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Video games are suppose to be a small part of your life and not a big portion. Clearly this man needs help.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 13, 2019

In the political groups, there's plenty of people calling politicans, et al, Nazis with no idea what a Nazis is. When pressed, they can't define the political stance of Nazis. It's a case of anyone they don't like is a Nazi.


Yep!! It's usually after they run out of facts that they resort to calling someone a Nazi!

@Electro68 One time I was debating Middle Eastern politics with a guy. He claimed I had to be working for the Israeli secret service because I disagreed with him.

He refused to believe that I've yet to find a synagogue or a Jew after living in upstate South Carolina since I moved here in 2003. He also refused hunt down a Jew or a synagogue in upstate South Carolina. It's not like I want to hunt 'em down, I wanted for him to prove I COULD find one.

I also wanted to know how much Israeli is paying me and where is my paycheck?

Godwin's Law in practice....

@EricTrommater I'm confused how Godwin's law relates to the Israeli secret service. Perhaps you're saying that the longer a discussion goes on, the more likely you'll hear someone associate another person with a group they don't like?

I used to run into people on the internet who insisted that Jews run the US, although something like 98% of the US aren't Jewish. Under my theory, if you argue against an Arab stance you'll be declared part of the Grand Jewish Conspiracy.

Likewise if you enjoy ethnic humor you'll be called a Klansman.

@WonderWartHog99 I was replying to your original comment: "In the political groups, there's plenty of people calling politicans, et al, Nazis with no idea what a Nazis is."

@EricTrommater Oh fudge.

That'll teach me to expostulate and expand theories.


I never understood video games to such an extent... Real life is so much better and exciting....

I agree


Hopefully we still won?! ?

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 13, 2019
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