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Since we seem to a have few Canadians in the group, How about a game?

glennlab 10 Mar 31
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She is going to freeze her tat tats off.


Where I live winters certainly aren't what they used to be . . . signs of a changing climate . . sigh . . but I'll keep the winter jacket on. Today it will be high 50s F , no wind and sunny . . . sounds like a good day for deck BBQ and a few brew


I've lived in Fla for 50+ years. 90 deg is 'normal' here much of the year. To compensate our blood thins (true science) making us sensitive to the cold. Under 70 deg we're reaching for flannel shirts! Science says we're not wussies! ?

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 31, 2019

Reminds me of when I lived in upstate NY (real upstate, north of Syracuse, none of this wimpy Westchester County). I used to walk barefoot in the snow. Anything above 40ºF was short sleeve shirt weather.

Now I live in Long Beach, California and laugh when people say it's cold. I wear shorts pretty much 365 days a year unless some occasion calls for long pants.

mcgeo52 Level 8 Mar 31, 2019

I lived in the mountains of southern CA for quite a few years and there were quite a few locals who wore shorts and tees year round. And yes, we usually had snow in the winter.


Michigan too lol

Livinlife Level 9 Mar 31, 2019

l couldn't find her. then saw the feet, LMAO

nogod Level 7 Mar 31, 2019
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