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Glad that I am taken hehehe...✌✌✌ booooom!???

Boomtarat03 9 Apr 1
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Had to be a believer woman, to post memes against other women...
Believer women have no self esteem and agrees with the bible, when it states that women are less than men. Petty...
By the way boomtarat...all your pics are of you alone, I didn’t see any “trucks”...soooo

It's kind of an old meme and has been used for both sexes since the MySpace days....just sayin'


I could say the same about men...and literally (dick wise).
Yes, I’m also picky, and don’t want to become a nurse, that’s why I’m still available, cause I’m not letting just any rusty, broken, oil leaking, gas emitter, junk car, park on my garage.
But that is just my meme, off course...

Like this one....

@EricTrommater not true either . Ridiculous . All the intelligent and wonderful men I know are actually single and content . They don't have to have a vagina hanging of their arm or their wallet either ! They are better fathers and better friends ! Single is not a shame guys , is actually Power ?? . I rather chose and enjoy than running in and out of relationships . Many men are like that too on these years ! We love these men .

@Pralina1 ?❤

@EricTrommater old yes, but still of bad taste for both sides, even more when is written by a misogynist believer woman, who is delusional ✌️✌️✌️?


There are lots of good parking spaces available! ??? it's just a meme!

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 2, 2019

@Boomtarat03 you little devil! ?


@EllieUnique Depends how secure you are in the relationship.

@MojoDave I didn’t say’s just a meme but... it seems that I’m not the only one who believes so. ✌️✌️✌️

@EllieUnique I was responding to the meme, not you personally.


Maybe. I like to think the are just pickey.

Mokvon Level 8 Apr 2, 2019

Well , I guess all of us that we are " not taken ", are handicapped alright . ???wow .

Pralina1 Level 9 Apr 2, 2019

The unavailable ones are just for short term parking.

Naw...we're the reserved or vip parking


Don't take it personally, it's just a meme.

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