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Worshipping God or the sun, what's the difference?

AurumTechie 6 Apr 8
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The Sun is the real god, since without it nothing would survive in this planet.


Like a Red Rubber Ball


Bring on the Sun

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 9, 2019

You can see the sun

alon Level 6 Apr 8, 2019

The sun burns your skin.

Religion burns common sense and critical thinking.

Athena Level 8 Apr 8, 2019

The sun might “exist” but the concept of existence is vague and fraught with confusion. According to modern physics particles of matter are not things, rather they are interactions between covariant quantum fields. Our comfortable everyday reality is nothing but illusion, symbolic of ultimate reality which lies beyond our grasp.

Ultimate Reality is not supernatural—it is the essence of nature, and is worthy of the utmost worship, awe and appreciation, regardless of what label you give it.

Furthermore, your 'reality' is different than mine, or a cat's, or a bird's, or a fish, snake, worm, bacteria... tree? mushroom?
Everyone's 'reality' is their own.
While yours and mine might be very similar, the worm's is way different and the bacteria even more so.


The sun exists and you can see the sun but can only look at it with special glasses. My question is why do we want to worship anything? I even had that question in the back of my mind as a believer.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 8, 2019

I'm not going to worship anything, I do have great respect for something that can end all life on this planet at any moment, and can look so beautiful at the same time.

oldFloyd Level 8 Apr 8, 2019

I worship the Sun at a respectful distance

Eldovis Level 7 Apr 8, 2019

maybe its supposed to be Sun of god?


I've Seen Fire and I've Seen Rain....

? ??


Our ancestors also worshipped the female because only females could create life.

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 8, 2019

I said that out loud before clicking.


I have always believed that if man had to worship something then logically it would have to be the sun. Without our sun nothing on earth would survive, it is literally lifegiving, and that is why our earliest ancestors did worship it.

I'll worship bees and water. They tag along well with the sun. Just saying ?

@Zoohome No argument!


I’ve came across info from time to time of people who revered the sun because of its life giving qualities. It was suggested that they looked at the elements for guidance . The wind is actually more of a widely known thing of worship. Getting back on subject I would go with the Sun myself, I’m tropical like that.


Burn baby burn ??

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