Lutefisk vs surströmming, which is worse?
Not sure what the other one is.. but it doesn't sound good.
@Kynlei strong smell and somewhat acidic taste.. no thanks. ish.
@mistymoon77 Strong smell is an understatement. They have to open the can it's in outside. The guy who does Bizarre Foods could barely handle it and he eats the weirdest stuff.
I tried the lutefisk trick and the raccoons went away, but now I've got a family of Norwegians living under our house!
The Danes (who are not lutefisk eaters) allegedly claim the recipe for making lutefisk is: take a delectable fresh cod and bury it in a compost heap. Leave it there for several months, then dig it out and eat the compost heap.
you must be in Minnesota, lol
Yes but not Norwegian, that is a Scandinavian holiday thing they do.. yuck.
Why does that exist?
Largely to keep seafood from rotting and preserve it in an eatable form that won't kill you when people didn't have access to a freezer.
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