Where are the Feminist voices complaining about the treatment of women by Islam?
@altschmerz Many many women protest the abuse of women by Islam, they are still regarded, today, as chattel, much as they are in the old testament of the christian bible. Perhaps there are two camps about being abusive to women in the current moslem world, one camp inhabited by religious men who treat women as humans, and one camp (extremist) by insane men who believe women are on earth for the same reason slaves are, to be dominated by and cater to the whims of those men.
@altschmerz You're right, I only know what I read in the funny papers.
Mohamed married his stepson's wife. He also allowed Muslim men to have four wives, but he allowed himself to have ten or more. While Jesus premoted peace, Mohamed was a warlord who wanted his followers to strike off the heads of infedels...mainly Christians, Jews and Atheists...and yes I'm aware the Christian/ Judaea God of the Old Testament kills babies when he is jealous and is obnoxious and hypocritical, but Christians today aren't generally stoning women for the "crime" of "allowing" themselves to be raped, beheading infedels, suicide bombing, throwing gay people from buildings, or gunning down people whom have drawn Mohamed.
@altschmerz you're probably right ,just like Christians they'll do anything to make it to heaven. I've always felt that religion means living your life for your death
I call Ultimate Bullshit Hypocrisy. The tag is speaking to the dichotomy of an extremist religion that commits heinous acts being supported, in the drawing, by persons of a, supposedly, liberal political stance. By the origin stamp on the bottom right this over-simplified misrepresentation is being brought to us by a politically conservative group. In our culture, the conservatives support christianity, an older and horribly violent religion which has wreaked havoc on the world for centuries.
Absolutely, Christianity is guilty of horrible crimes in the past. Key word is past. This abuse by Islam is happening now. I do not support any religion or I wouldn't be on this site.
There are tons of things in the bible says Christians should do, yet they don't. When was the last time that someone was stoned to death for cheating or for taking the lord's name in vain? While I personally think that religion is bullshit, there's no question that it has changed and continues to do so. Just because someone follows a religion doesn't mean that they follow it to a tee. Same way someone who supports a culture or religion may not support every aspect of it.
It's like the claim all white Christians all burn black churches. Not all of them, all the time.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.
Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.