Ethically speaking, is it immoral to make a promise knowing that the evidence indicates you will not be able to keep it?
Isn't that how kids learn to become politicians... and eventually President?
@scurry I was thinking of ". . . so long as we both shall live."
@SiouxcitySue. Ya, there's that. Would be nice if honesty was a little more prevalent.
But I'm not sure the dude in the meme was being dishonest, just not much faith in his kids.
@scurry It appears that knowing how to give false promises is now the OJT for politics. Just made me think of the founders of this nation who considered spending a short time in the governance of this nation a kind of citizen duty, but who all had other careers and couldn't wait to get back to a real life. I'm not sure when politics became a career, but to my way of thinking it should not be and there should be limitations to how long a citizen can serve in an elected position before they are required to step aside and allow another citizen to do their duty to the nation. Then they can go get a real job.
@scurry So far as the $500 father, I believe the was making a promise that he never expects to keep. Call it what you will, it was dishonest and funny as the meme is, there is something called personal integrity that maybe could play a part. I really didn't mean to get so serious about this. There is a series on youtube about integrity that I have been watching as part of a discussion group and I guess it just popped into my head when I read the meme, although it was presented in a humorous manner. Sorry.
@SiouxcitySue No need to be sorry. Sometimes things hit a nerve at that particular moment.
Kids are empowered when you give them options. . . even when you know the options are bogus LMAO
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