12 11

and here you have it . Most of us will last on their dating sites about 15 seconds ? 😂
I don't even know what the hell # 1 means .😂

10 : does penis counts ? Or lord provides that too ? I am laughing .

Pralina1 9 May 12
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  1. Always have a chaperon.
  2. Abstain. No birth control necessary.
  3. If abstention fails, get married ASAP.

So true !


Hard to believe that #7 is in there....

Robecology Level 9 May 13, 2019

In regards to #10, what does "God" provide?

She works in mysterious ways, dontyaknow?

Well apparently , the daily bread and the daily vagina some how ?!😂


What the hell is a shotgun date?

Here's a screenshot

Ya, what the hell is it?

I've never shotgun dated, but I used this approach when I was looking for work in Germany. I just called it the shotgun approach because it's very similar to the way a shotgun sprays its pellets. Simply shoot a bunch of resumes out and hopefully some of the pellets stick. It worked for finding a job. Maybe it'd work for dating as well. I should try it.


Holy shit yech ready to hurl

bobwjr Level 10 May 13, 2019

They need good old fashioned orgy unwind


Oy vey...

SonofMax Level 7 May 13, 2019

Can't meet anyone following those rules lol

Can u imagine ???😂


For #5 can I AR-15 date?

Yes ! What that means ????😂😂


BARF. #8 double barf.

freeofgod Level 8 May 13, 2019

Oh yeah !!! Of course ! 😂😂😂


Don't tell me what to do!!!!
Stupid fuckers.
Like I can be controlled.

KKGator Level 9 May 12, 2019

Exactly !
I was initially looking for some atheist memes and run into this and I almost fell of the bed . Man , if I had time and energy I will join one of their sites just for the laugh u know ?

@Pralina1 Yeah. I just don't have the inclination to fuck with these assholes anymore.


Do pure minds have dates?


Soooo funny! Damn ridiculous rules.

MojoDave Level 9 May 12, 2019

Half of that crap , I don't even know what these things mean !!! How do u know if u want to marry someone if I don't date him / her for quiet some x , I will like to know !!!😂😂

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