13 10

When you join an agnosistic dating site to meet like-minded Liberal Heathens and end up falling for a Conservitive Believer you met there....@Christiep77

EricTrommater 9 May 13
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Hey, if it works it works! Congratulations!

Livinlife Level 9 May 14, 2019

LMAO funny but she is cute

bobwjr Level 10 May 13, 2019

Opposites attract. 😄


Whatever makes u happy man 😂😂😂

Pralina1 Level 9 May 13, 2019

....or at least less grumpy.


Congrats. When it works, it works. 🙂

scurry Level 9 May 13, 2019

Thank you!


Conservative believers tend to fall for authoritarian types and I don’t mind obliging from time to time. I rather enjoy it.

Bikes4Fish Level 7 May 13, 2019

@altschmerz or maybe I will..........😈😈😈😈😈

@Christiep77 "all I've ever asked of my marines is that they obey my orders as they would the word of God."

I adore you but...if you bring those abominations into my house!

@EricTrommater so you are saying if I did that, I may need to be.....punished......

@Christiep77 with great vengeance and furious anger!

@EricTrommater well then...the only thing left to decide is what color first? 😈😈😈😇😇

@Christiep77 red, to match....

@altschmerz no. No she will not.

@altschmerz I’d totally bedazzle them too. It’s a big day after all. I’d want to be fancy.

@Christiep77 so they'll be a bedazzled abomination.


Congratulations!!! Very happy for you two😃

Thank you. @OpposingOpposum, can I steal that meme you posted on FB about Jesus leaving a chat about using his dad's name in bed?

@EricTrommater yes!


My husband of 14 years is a conservative believer. Gets difficult once the honeymoon stage wears off. Hopefully there’s some mutual respect and hard boundaries. Really the only way there’s a chance. I wish you all the best. Hope it’s not a Croc.

....because Croc Shoes are an ambomination!



Thank you!

@EricTrommater You're welcome!


In slimming black t-shirts.

@EricTrommater black is slimming. It’s science.

@Christiep77 one of the benefits of the dark side.... 😈

@Christiep77 it's a date...


@EricTrommater Thanos is so cute there isn’t he?

@EricTrommater cookies too. That’s another benefit.

@Christiep77 Grand Moff Tarkin makes the tastiest macaroons.

@Christiep77 Thanos thinks he's hot...but know what? He's not!



Rudy1962 Level 9 May 13, 2019


KKGator Level 9 May 13, 2019

Not good.

I suppose none of us really knows for sure how these things will go, but I am hopeful things will work out in positive and not negative way.

@Christiep77 what she said....

I too hope they can beat the odds and live happily ever after, but emotions aside, the smart money would be giving long odds for, I'd say about honeymoon phase plus 6 months auta do it.

@dartagnan6666 so I get laid for six months? Not seing the negative here.

It's hard enough for a man and a woman to get along that don't have the "complication" of one believing, and one not. That's a majority of one's world view. If both had a masters in significant other relationships, it would still be a huge challenge. The actuarial tables tell the story, and it's not pretty. I would love to be able say otherwise, but a large part of the time that I'm in close proximity to believers, knowing that they can't see that it's totally made up bull shit makes them hard to respect, and that's with strangers, when it's your S.O.???

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