I just always insist that the seat and the lid should always be put down by both people. That way it's fair for both.
ok, so let's do the math....
Men need the seat up 90% of the time - that means they need the seat down for 10% of the time.
Women need the seat down 100% of the time.
If there are 2 people involved, one man and one woman, then the seat still needs to be down 55% of the time.
55% is a majority - Please, out of courtesy, put the seat down.
If there are more men than women using the bathroom, then the percentage will be below 55%
Below 50% is a minority - Feel free to leave the seat up.
if there are more women than men using the bathroom, then the percentage will be higher than 55%
Higher then 55% is back to a majority, Please, out of courtesy, put the seat down.
Truth is - I check each time, so it won't bother me either way.
((Also noticing that I can't reply to a comment. FYI @Admin))
I would empathize with you but I can't. Why should I put the seat up for you when I will be the next 2 or three users of the toilet? If I see you headed to the bathroom should I make a point of running in before you to lift the seat? BIG NOSE SNORT!!! I live with a relative who, until I moved in, must have just kept the seat up all the time and waited until he went to bed (???) I don't know when to flush. Now the white toilet bowl is a brown-mustard yellow color that responds to no cleaning agent including pumice stone and I am just going to replace the whole thing and try cleaning it a couple of times a week to keep the mustard away.
If you are in a relationship, sharing bathing quarters, you might just take a short moment to be considerate and feel good that you are doing something nice for your roommate.
More glitches on the site today, can't reply to anyone. Like KKGator said, the toilet has a seat with a cover for a reason. Who wants to look into a nasty toilet when they go into the bathroom????
You guys just want to see us fall in when we aren’t paying attention!
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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