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And the human race ends not with a bang or a whimper, but a digital moan...

JazznBlues 8 May 30
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From the limited description these seem to be focused on men's requirements. Do you suppose there is a version for females in the works? They didn't say anything about cost.
I predict that the biggest market for these robotic sex dolls, both male and female versions, will be the seniors market. In fact, I predict that, when available, these dolls will mean the demise of senior online dating.


For the ladies, the robot can make you a sammich after sex.
This technology will help alleviate the issues of overpopulation in the world.


Can't play video.

@altschmerz Well, they definitely have to do something about the voice, otherwise I think they are fascinating.


Nah....we think we're so special that we will see "the end"....

Sorry; no digital moans, bangs, nor whimpers are in the forecast.

I did find an excellent talk on why we have to solve the Fossil Fuel CO2 buildup issues soon, though....

Robecology Level 9 May 30, 2019

I think you may have missed the point. Reduced reproduction.

@MojoDave I didn't find any discussion of reproduction...just a montage of the stage of robotics. The OP...suggested the human race ends with moans, bangs, nor whimpers - implies, to me, the impending disaster of

#1;Global warming or

#2. nuclear holocaust -

very remotely #3; from new, powerful strains of disease germs,

and even more remotely from #4. mass starvation.

Hence my suggestion via Elon Musk....

I don't see Robotic sex having any suggestion of reduced reproduction.

Reduced sexual repro will have to come with the wisdom of family planning - which in turn comes with less religion.

I give that some optimism; I foresee that happening in a few decades.

Robotic sex might be inviting to a handful of ultra rich in decades to come; but I doubt it'll have any significance in the near future.

@Robecology you missed the point in a very charming way. Tip of the hat

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