6 15

Inappropriately indeed

Dew25 7 June 18
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"A sith lord you would become, seduced by the dark side you would be." Said Yoda.

noworry28 Level 8 June 19, 2019

Teach me the ways...Please...I'll beg...

EricJones Level 8 June 18, 2019

Every damned day.
Especially the remote Force-choke function.

KKGator Level 9 June 18, 2019

Although I understand that there are times when we all think of someone who we would like to no longer be exercising their negative energies on people: If you were a Jedi, no you wouldn't (use the Force inappropriately). The powers of the Force were only revealed to those who were in line with the positive forces of the Universe. No, I don't mean god. If you wanted those powers to use inappropriately, first you had to become a Jedi then let the Emperor exercise mind control and turn you to the dark side. That's a lot of efforr to erase what is truly a blip on your personal radar.


In sooooooo many ways! 👿

MojoDave Level 9 June 18, 2019

Oh, yes. I don't know how many times a noisy motorbike has assaulted my ears, and if I had had Carrie's firestarter ability, I would have scowled at it until it burst into flames.

Firestarter : the greatest power of all time... Drew Barrymore... The power of the sun...

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