Did I tell you it got to 83 today???
Another one I keep on my phone for special occasions.....
@EricTrommater I said get off my leg!
@phxbillcee not till I get warm!
You want to come shovel? Over a foot out there - I'm not doing more about it until tomorrow because there could be 5 more inches by then.
I did shovel off the stoop so I wouldn't get stuck behind a screen door that opens out.
We will laugh this Summer when your temps. can fry an egg..... Of course I'll have those too.
@RavenCT Yeah, & you don't have to shovel heat!!!
Michigan sympathizes. Well, not really, we're just assholes, and have had enough snow ourselves
Yeah, I lived in Michigan until 2013. Wouldn't spend another day of winter there if you paid me.
@EricTrommater lol, I am so freaking done with winter
@EricTrommater and @Livinlife You guys can look forward to retirement, when you can become snowbirds. Spend winter in the south and summer in the north. All you need is either a good pension or a relative willing to put you up for the 3-4 months you're in the north.
Yep, that's me and the sucker, I mean relative, is my daughter. I'll be in central Michigan this summer.
sits smugly in Florida saying nothing
Yeah, let me take all the...heat!
You have iguanas falling out trees when it gets cold - I'll take the snow! rofl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.