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More truth here than some of you will be able to handle!

JazznBlues 8 July 6
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I'm an over the top kinda guy . The second part, under, is good if you got cats, that way they won't completely unroll the toilet paper.


I'm better about it than I used to be. These days, if I don't do it, it doesn't get done.

brentan Level 8 July 7, 2019

I'll admit, I'm a 1 with an ocasional 3.
Have known about this debate (1 vs. 2) for a long time now and didn't think I had a preference until...
Last weekend I was at friends' place for a BBQ and needed to use their facilities. As I reached for the TP I realized it was placed in the under-roll position (pic #2) and without a second thought I switched it.
Suddenly realizing what I had done, I switched it back (shouldn't dictate on how TP should be installed at other people's homes) and chuckled to myself that at least now I know what I prefer.
I forgave them, as this was on the door to their bathroom.

scurry Level 9 July 7, 2019

I'm with you, 1 and sometimes 3. Have also changed it out at friend's houses. I never changed it back, but none of my friends ever had that cute a sign on their door. In Alaska outback, indoor plumbing, the sign said, "If it's yellow let it mellow, If it's brown, flush it down."


Is there another way other than picture number one? Over-the-top is the easiest way to spool it off while maintaining control of it!


Facts .

GEGR Level 7 July 6, 2019
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