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Anyone with ideas?

Livinlife 9 Mar 14
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taco salad.

taco soup! (hey, it's a thing!)

@phxbillcee again, you're not wrong.

@EricTrommater After such a nice statement I hate to correct you, it's, "Always, you're not wrong." That's ok, tho, I forgive you.

@phxbillcee if that was what I meant that's what I would have said.

@EricTrommater Do you want more waterboarding? Or, I'll have @Blindbird & her LP come & pay you a visit! Dang, everything I can think of you'd just enjoy!

@phxbillcee my LP would probably just get in a fight with his kitchen unicorn. There'd be blood and peanut butter everywhere. Best not to risk it. Though after @EricTrommaters last post I'm intrigued.

@Blindbird ssss....

@Blindbird Watch out, I think he's ready to explode!

@phxbillcee hence the cream pie schtick.

@Blindbird Please, don't go there, or, at least, think about what you're saying first! (I'd tell you to Google or PornHub, but I don't know you that well)

@phxbillcee lol. I've been on the internet long enough to know what I'm saying. Jeez your innuendos are way dirtier than mine. Ye olde double standard.

@Blindbird No, I only have one standard. Two sacks, one standard.

@phxbillcee my point exactly
You ever see the Reddit ama with the guys who has two "standards"?

@Blindbird NOPE!

@phxbillcee hahahajaha

@Blindbird did somebody say cream pie?

@EricTrommater good morning to you too. 🙂

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