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It was the ganja

Captnron59 9 July 12
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Be considerate, please. The Chinese have been a part of the American restaurant scene for many decades. They've come to America, and learned of our weakness for good, inexpensive dining and take-out. They live in the shadows...they don't make waves.

Don't let your stoned condition let you slip in to a state of racism.

The Chinese are at the brink of dominating the world.

Look around your home...everything you have has a "made in China" label on it.

And they've already made more electric cars than's just that our tariff and importation laws

make them almost impossible to bring in...yet.

A few years ago, they were opening a coal plant every week. Today they're closing one every month, and have more solar and wind farms than America and Europe combined.

Here's a scene from "A Christmas Story - the Chinese restaurant" that should leave a smile on your face!

Be nice...and realize what a good bargain Chinese take-out is. Some day that "take out" will be an easy to install solar energy panel for your roof....and an electric car.

Robecology Level 9 July 12, 2019

Maybe the Chinese people cremate the dead.


That Chinese food is tainting your thinking.


That's a good reason to go vegetarian 😋🤣

@Captnron59 I'm getting plenty of sleep... My gf Heidi is staying with me for awhile, she's a big help... 😏

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