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Perfect, right on target

mistymoon77 9 July 23
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I ran over a deer once, looked like his great grandfather! Same bugeyes! Thing completely screwed up the left front and side! Had to replace the hood, grill, valance, fender, and repair left door where the karate buck kung fu kicked it! Have to get me some of those whistles!

... Are these lyrics to a country song?
It's kinda catchy. 😉


Now there's a idea.

freedom41 Level 9 July 23, 2019

Yup why I have a deer whistle

bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2019

I need to get myself one of those.. living out in the fucking boonies, I see them all over and other critters too. Have yet to hit one but have come close many many times.


I am sure my husband had that same look as well...

I have a deer whistle in my works...even seems to warn the squirrels and rabbits...

thinktwice Level 8 July 23, 2019

I've used deer whistles since the 80's. I do believe they work.

@Sticks48 lol my sister attached it to her car in 2009...when I got her car, she told me to make sure I took it with me before I ever sold it...I can't figure out how to get it off, so guess I will be keeping the car!

@thinktwice The kind l get are two little plastic whistles that combine to make whatever sound I can't hear but they do. The only deer I have hit I was driving someone's car with no whistles. Took the front end out headlight to headlight.

@Sticks48 mine looks like a round disk of some husband's Honda was totalled...two years later, his Jeep was totalled...I think he just wants a new car... poor deer...

thinktwice: He had that look before you ran him over?

@Rudy1962 haha...good one, but I am not confessing


I've had that accident.

Ludo Level 7 July 23, 2019

Personal experience?

glennlab Level 10 July 23, 2019
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