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Ahhh the latest trend on Twitter.... #TrumpIsaRat...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 July 28
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Trump's not a rat! He's a cancerous tumor on the rat's ass!

Poor rat.


Since he lives in a swamp, he must be a swamp rats. And he invited his friends and family to join him.


LOL! Please decide now to not only vote, but "get others out" to vote? This election is critical.

Robecology Level 9 July 28, 2019

The DNC is working on 4 more years of Trump....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz stop trying to relitigate the 2016 election, the most important election is 2020, opening old wounds is bullshit that needs to stop.


The first image of interim DNC chair Donna Brazile is very old news.

The second one of 13 candidates backing Hillary is also over 2 years old

The third one has some merit....maybe well finally realize that "Socialism" isn't such a bad word; and that we're basically socialist anyway.

@Robecology Now if only Tom Perez and the rest of them would stop attacking the real left...

@Robecology, @glennlab 4 names in the recent news.... Biden, Obama, Perez, Pelosi....

@Secular_Squirrel And those who feed at the Wall Street trough will never learn which is why we were stuck with the sure loser Hillary... Kamala Harris is cut from the same bolt of cloth Hillary is and just revealed her "plan" for school loan forgiveness.... She only wants to forgive loans for those who start a business in an underserved community... If they had the fucking money to do that they wouldn't have needed a fucking school loan would they?... Something I pointed out to her publicly on Twitter... Since she had almost 500 likes on that shit post my guess is she has a lot of paid bot followers...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz, @Secular_Squirrel Names in the news and dragging up inflamitory information that has nothing to do with the 2020 election and trying to pass them off as recent does nothing to help eith progressives or socialists. To claim that the DNC of 2016 that was replaced in mass because of DB's actions is trying to screw with this election is just Fox news on steroids. I agree that we need to learn from 2016, but not by deception qas lizard has tried to do. Bring your best argument, but don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining and expect me to believe you.

@glennlab The only deceived one here seems to be you... Ask Schumer and AIPAC...

@glennlab Or Harris who only wants student loan forgiveness for those who start a business in a underserved community after graduation.... Fucking brilliant leave the people who can't afford school without those loans stuck with the bills while the rich get a free Masters Degree...

@Secular_Squirrel How do you draw the line between Narcissism and confidence? If you catch a person in a lie, or exaggeration, or withholding Trump has done quite often....then you have the right label.

IMO...Bernie Sanders has been the most honest, the least Narcissistic.

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