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Getting to the point I can't even clean out the freezer anymore...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Aug 10
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Several years ago I was at a party a typical Australian end-of-the-year bbq event. As several of the people there had previously lived in New Caledonia there was a lot of reminiscing. For some reason I mentioned a radio announcer with a fabulous Mediterranean accent and a gift for telling stories. Someone said: "Don't you know his story?" He killed his Japanese girlfriend and put the body in the freezer.
Suddenly I remember the scene when this guy came to my shop with several kilos of cutlery wrapped up in a tablecloth. "Shit, I should have asked for the kitchen knives and the cleaver!"


So well "butchered"....their parts well labeled...but their names escape me...

Robecology Level 9 Aug 10, 2019

Better that you found them and not the your dinner guest.

Peter17 Level 3 Aug 10, 2019

Oh the other hand it would add another dimension to the words "having them over for dinner"...


It's so easy to forget who's in there.


always best to date the wrap before you freeze them


That reminds me I need to clean mine. Spring cleaning has passed.... now hurricane season. I need to clean before the power goes out. Gonna feed my alligators here in the swamp 😬😈

Zoohome Level 8 Aug 10, 2019

What's the big a way, they all are the same.....

IamNobody Level 8 Aug 10, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Aug 10, 2019

No Mr. Dahmer, I’ve never experienced that.

Haemish1 Level 8 Aug 10, 2019

Of course, creepy in a funny way 😂😂

Sorry I am not a Christian...


I don't clean that thing . I call it the coconut . Is white and empty inside 😂 I am never home to eat and when I am , who wants to cook !😂

Pralina1 Level 9 Aug 10, 2019

The coconut 😂😂😂😂. ..... Stealing !!!!!

@IamNobody >who wants to cook !😂

That's for house husbands. We operate under the proverb: loving don't last; cooking do. Between divorces, the parade of hungry single career women keep our door step shaded.

Adopt one today. Fair warning: we're expensive and you'll never want to get rid of us.

I was inspired by a short story by Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant. In one of his stories a police detective is called to investigates a thin young woman who keeps having husbands die on her. She explains to the detective she fed all her husbands a series of heavy, rich meals and it took it toll. However, she was never hungry enough to finish a meal.

The detective promptly proposes marriage.

French author. Go figure.

@WonderWartHog99 Well in that regard my life has been a comical tragedy since marriage. Loving don't last, cooking do....well, she doesn't cook ( she knows how, she just rather keep the damn kitchen pristine ..... I know, hilarious right??? ). In her defense, she is the girl next door and the most important thing than anything else, she has always been there at tough times.

@IamNobody Eat out often? Or is a case nuke and eat?

One of the things that amaze me is here in gringo land two things are popular: watching the cooking shows and going out for cheap eats.

@WonderWartHog99 I eat at work's cafeteria most of the time and sometimes I go out. Fast food doesn't bother me at all. My mind set is that food is a mean to an end, not necessarily a pleasure. That helps my case. Gotta find ways to cope. I won't cook 😂😂

@IamNobody One of my sinister reasons for cooking is it is cheaper than eating out. It gets even cheaper avoiding processed food. One of the things that used to get to me was co-workers watching me bring a bag lunch and telling me they wished they did after they'd run down to McDonald's. They'd do the admiration act day after day.

It was as if putting a PBJ in a brown paper sack was too advanced for them.

During a pot luck dinner last weekend, Petunia kept telling everyone I made the cole slaw. It was the one dished they licked clean. I used a whole head of cabbage (finely graded), an onion, two graded carrots for color, a half cup of mayo and a quarter cup of sweet relish. Took me 15 minutes to make. Might have set me back $3. Brought back four teaspoons of cole slaw.

@WonderWartHog99 Ha ha ha...first of all, Petunia bring back all kind of memories from my childhood (Long story, that's all I have to say) and last but not least, I hear you loud and clear but I am one of those people that I rather use that time for something else. Like I said, food is not that important to me. If our bodies could be redesign to take food once a year then I would be a happy camper.

@IamNobody >food is not that important to me.

How about money? Getting fed for less is the issue I raised. Go ahead and check out what a gallon of cole slaw costs at the deli. For the bucks, I'm buying a head of cabbage for cole slaw. Some assembly required. 😉

@WonderWartHog99 I don't worry about money either, therefore eating out ( which is not cheap ) works for me. Thanks for the suggestion though.

@IamNobody >I don't worry about money either,

In that case, send me your life saving. I worry about money.

@WonderWartHog99 I don't worry how I spend my money, as long as I am the one spending it.... Nice try though 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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