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Smile.... Friday's coming! šŸ™‚

DallasKimmerzzz 5 Sep 5
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Whadya mean "Friday's coming?" It has been here for twelve hours nearly!

So how are things down under, Gypsy? šŸ˜Š

And now it is hail stoning so heavily the camera nearly only records "whiteout" beyond the edge of the balcony! The other side of the valley is missing.

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@FrayedBear Wow - stay safe. Iā€™m in Texas - hail is common here so I feel ya!

@DallasKimmerzzz thanks for asking. The sun came out 30 minutes after the hailstorm - at least they were only pea sized hail stones so they didn't damage the car duco and twelve hours or so later @ 1:43 am. Saturday a gale is blowing driving rain off the infamous Bass Strait.


I like the second one.

freedom41 Level 9 Sep 5, 2019

I love the first meme. Think it would work?

If I were a cop I'd let her slide! šŸ˜€


Burn out made me think of this one

glennlab Level 10 Sep 5, 2019
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