Joel the skid mark of bible thumpers
I think they are all just shit stains on the underwear of life....
Once, a case of John Wayne brand toilet paper was sent to an Indian reservation. They thought that it would be a good form of revenge on The Duke for all of the Indians he was portrayed as killing in his movies, but they had to send it back! The reason why? Because it wouldn't take shit off no damn Indians!!
Marion Morrison the daft dodging pussy later known as "The Duke" spent WW2 selling War Bonds and making movies about real soldiers didn't take shit because he was shit...
I don't think that he was a draft dodger, but like when Elvis was in the Army, the Pentagon brass KNEW that they would have to be put on special assignments, something other than as bullet sponges, because if they got killed, the public outcry would be so great, no one would ever sign up for military duty again! And the ones who did get drafted would be more trouble than they were worth to keep around. Nearly every man would suddenly have two left feet like Gomer Pyle during close order drill.
@Logician []
Reality disagrees with you...
Well what I said was based upon what I had read in a magazine article. It didn't say anything about Wayne having a deferment of any kind, just that the PR people at the Pentagon were very worried about the backlash they would see if he were a KIA statistic. And the same viewpoint was held for Elvis. So no one from there made a personal push for Wayne to join up. They preferred to take a longer view, and use him as a recruiting tool than cannon fodder.
@Logician Funny how they didn't worry about Jimmy Stewart or some of the already major stars that went to war. Odd thing is when a person a nation admires in war volunteer enlistment hits all time highs and conscription because a moot point in many cases... Look at the twin towers they didn't worry about conscription because people wanted to fight back even though that twat of a draft dodger Bush decided to attack the wrong country....
This is a classic example of irrational "thinking", also known as cognitive dissonance. It's OK for a church in Florida to ban kids from the church, because the Pastor there is a convicted pedophile!! You can't expect people who are insane to make sane decisions! And war mongers are some of the most insane people anybody has ever known! How can you possibly expect to see them making sound and logical decisions? Maybe the deciding vote favored keeping Wayne out of the fray and didn't give two hoots about Stewart, Gable or anyone else? You weren't there, I wasn't there, so all that we can do is speculate on the whys and wherefores.
The politicians who start these wars on behalf of the banksters should be the first ones to go on the front lines! If I had been drafted to go to Viet Nam, due to my expertise in cars and electronics, they would have put me in motor pool or Signal Corps and not wasted me on the front lines. That's for the jocks and other expendables.
@Logician Name one sane war or even one started for sane reasons... If you think there was one Major General Smedley Darlington Butler disagreed...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz When WWII broke out, Wayne was 34 and had four kids. QED, he was exempt from the draft. Instead, he went on war bond tours to raise money for the war effort. The war department said he was more valuable doing that than catching bullets on the front line.
No bone spurs required.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Name one sane war or even one started for sane reasons...
The Nazis were sinking US ships. Their allies, the Japanese, bombed Pearl Harbor. Under fascism, you are suppose to overthrow other countries either militarily or by imperialism. Good luck arguing that is a sane reason.
If another government is trying to overthrow your government by killing your people, sounds like a sane reason to declare war.
@WonderWartHog99 So your claim is that the Nazis were sane?....
@WonderWartHog99 James Stewart was a year younger... He was also rejected his first attempt to enlist because he was underweight and worked hard to gain the weight needed to be accepted...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz So your claim is that the Nazis were sane?....
No my little fluffy bunny. I said good luck proving the prime theory behind fascism is sane.
WHERE did I ever say that there was even just one? Or are you dubbing in something that does not in fact exist?
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Unlike Steward, I was rejected the first time for being overweight. Not that it makes a jolly who ha either way on John Wayne. The big thing about Steward is he was a pilot, which were in short supply in the early days of WWII.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz >Name one sane war or even one started for sane reasons...
Followed by "WHERE did I ever say that there was even just one?"
Scroll up, dude.
@WonderWartHog99 And a volunteer who was rejected the first time like Audie Murphy (His first rating was 4F) was and kept pushing until he got accepted then served honorably unlike Marion Morrison who took his deferment and then played the big tough "patriot" during the McCarthy era as well as being a piece of shit racist...
@WonderWartHog99 News flash the Nazis started that war....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Does who started it matter?
@Lizard_of_Ahaz >And a volunteer . . . .
. . . and who was totally unrelated to John Wayne . . . .
When you going to wrap this up with unrelated war stories about The Duke?
Of course, there was also the story of W. C. Fields and his friends who all got roaring drunk, went down to the recruiting office and all got turned down.
Not a dam thing to do with The Duke or anything else . . . . If we were sitting around the campfire swapping tales we'd all have burnt marshmallows by now.
I think that you're living in a state of confusion, not Confucius.
@Logician I graduated from there.
Have you ever heard of Confused U? Go team!
The first meme could use the second one
Which is why I posted them together in that order...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz lol awesome
@Livinlife My depraved sense of humor at work...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz well then you're where you need to be LOL
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.
Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.